Past and Current Clients

Egg-Marie is always up for being silly doing her sessions!

Egg-Marie made some nice progress on her calm behaviors during her indoor Private Walk+Train!

Egg-Marie exploring her backyard

Egg-Marie was extra pumped for her Private Walk+Train!

Jax made great progress on his Walk+Train in the park!

Ozzy is so proud of his progress over six weeks of sessions!

Honey watching the world go by...

Honey had an awesome time on her first Private Walk+Train!

Azul was concentrating really hard on how to get more treats during his session

Egg-Marie was super brave for her Walk+Train!

Honey got a chance to show off her skills on her Walk+Train!

Tater Tot had a great consultation!

Cheddar did really well on his field trip!

Ozzy was ready to go during his session!

Zena was excited to learn new things during her consultation!

Ozzy is making progress in so many areas during our sessions!

Gendry was ready to learn for his consultation!

Maude showed off her smarts during her consultation!

Cheddar says "Relaxing is so fun!"

Milano is doing so much better during our sessions!

Deebo and Luna were so smart for their consultation!

Ozzy is such a brilliant pup!

Fred great working on his dog reactivity at the park; he got to meet a fake dog!

Wanda was so sweet during her consultation!

Poppy completed her Four Week Package!

Poppy is so proud of how brave she's become!

Honey did so well on her first Walk+Train!

Jax made some calming choices on his Walk+Train

Azul was such a goof during his consultation!

Cheddar had an awesome consultation!

Norman completed his Six Week Package!

Relic hunting down the ground squirrels...

Relic is locked in and focused on his family for his Walk+Train

Honey had so much fun during her consultation!

Zora is super-focused on his Walk+Train!

Jay showed off his smarts during his consultation!

Relic has made so much progress on his reactivity training!

Norman learning how to say "yes" to handling

Maximus was a brave boy on his Walk+Train

Egg-Marie completed her second Six Week Package!

Egg-Marie has made so much progress in her harness training!

Kevin's focus on his Walk+Train was admirable!

Maple completed her Four Week Package!

Norman is so proud of his progress!

Egg-Marie always puts in her best effort for porch "Walk+Trains"!

Ozzy was so brave during his consultation!

Egg-Marie says "I want treats!"

Fred was all smiles for his consultation!

Kevin was so happy during his consultation!

Poppy doing a great job staying calm with strangers on her property!

Maximus showing off how much he grew in his next session!

Lucky was so brave for her consultation

Finn is such a happy boy!

Baby Maximus had a great consultation!

Maple says "You'll bring the treats to me"

Luna from her lookout post

Loki doing his best not to jump up; he did great!

Colby looking very dignified

Zora says "I love Walk+Trains!"

Handsome Zora

Zora taking a much-needed roll in the grass!

Hazel completed her Four Week Package!

Stripe is ready for his close-up!

Hazel is curious about how to get more treats!

Stripe is really getting the hang of this "training" thing!

Finn rocked it on his Walk+Train!

Zora being goofy while disengaging from triggers!

Colby loves the magical treat mat!

Luna had a fun Walk+Train

Syx completed his Four Week Package!

Aoi had a great Walk+Train in the park!

Stripe the Bernedoodle puppy had a great consultation; so smart!

Stripe is wiped out after his first session!

Smarty-pants Finn is happy to get more treats

Jax completed his Four Week Package!

Aoi rocked it during her first session!

Hazel was a genius during her session!

Tonka the Service Dog in Training completed her Four Week Package today!

Colby is steadily making progress!

She did it!

Egg-Marie getting used to wearing her harness...

Jax has mastered the art of chilling...

Zora did some great desensitization practice during his session!

Goofy Syx taking a play break during our session!

Penny enjoyed her invited Walk+Train!

Sweet Hazel was all smiles during her session!

Jax did great on his Walk+Train!

Egg-Marie was so adventurous on her Walk+Train!

Syx has found his talent; digging! Also being extremely cute...

Zora had an awesome Walk+Train!

Penny relaxing after being so brave on her Walk+Train!

Ziva and Kyber are on their A-game for this week's session!

Maple curled up with one of her favorite toys after a very productive session!

Jeffery had to get up-close and personal with the camera during his session!

Jax had a great first Walk+Train!

Fun-loving Syx had so much fun on his decompression walk!

Smarty-pants Zora is on the case!

Handsome gent Kyber was fascinated by the prospect of getting treats; he started a FOur Week Package today!

Senior gal Ziva showed that old dogs certainly can learn new tricks... She started her Four Week Package!

Penny was so brave on her Walk+Train!

Hazel warmed up so nicely in her trial session!

Scout was ready to impress in his trial session!

Lobo did really well in his trial session!

Tonka the Service Dog in Training showing off her focus skills!

Jeffery was so busy snuffling during his first session, he forgot to look at the camera!

Zora did so well in his first session! Look at that focus...

Egg-Marie the Angel

Happy Syx on his first Walk+Train!

Mr. Syx had a great first session! This bouncy boy is going to make so much progress...

Tonka did a great job focusing in her session!

Sophie completed her Eight Week Package!

Egg-Marie and her brave face!

Harper completed her Eight Week Package!

Egg-Marie says she can fit inside the hula-hoop! Such a silly girl!

Max completed his Four Week Package!

Max showing off his "Chin Rest"

Norman was so brave in his trial session!

Nice job, Harper!

Harper is learning to calm down around food...

Miss Egg-Marie is back and braver than ever! Nice progress on being calm down the driveway, and lots of response to slow walk progression with treats!

Oona can't waste time on treats, she has the ZOOMIES!

Sophie made great progress on "Place" and being calm around entrances, like the back gate!

I mean, does Harper even need a caption? All I can say is... KEEP IT UP!

Oona completed her Six Week Package! This bubbly girl has made such amazing progress in managing her big feelings, and her family have been the best trainers for her! I know this girl will go far with such supportive pet parents behind her!

Nova was being goofy today, but it didn't keep her from making progress! She found her favorite "place" spot: the couch!

Leo completed his Four Week Package! This boy has made so many strides in regulating his emotions, trusting people, and focusing on his family when he feels overwhelmed. Way to go, Leo! See you again soon for more Walk+Trains!

Genius Leo learned how to put his "Paws Up" on new objects today! This is the first step in his cooperative care practice, so he's not stressed and uncomfortable during grooming sessions.

Max channeled the company logo during his "Place" practice! Thanks for the shout-out, buddy!

More silliness from Oona!

Oona gave a pirate's smile on her Walk+Train; such a silly girl!

Brave girl Azula completed her Six Week Package! She had another successful park session, and her mom has gained so much confidence as a handler, too. So proud of these two!

Nova is such a smart baby! This spritely teenager is growing into herself, one day at a time. She's getting much better at her relaxation skills, and pretty soon we'll start introducing walking without being stressed. You got this, Nova!

Harper was a rockstar at ignoring people on walks today! Her safety vest certainly helps. Look at that grin, she knows how well she did!

Harper brought all the energy in her session. No one can keep up with this smart, happy girl!

Smart boy Max learned lots of new skills in his session!

Oso was quite surprised to learn that he completed his SIx Week Package, but he's being modest. This adorable boy has made great progress while settling into his newly adopted family. He's learned to stay calm on walks, turn his attention away from things that overwhelm him, and how rewarding it is to listen to his family! So proud of you, Oso!

Azula was so amazing during her session at the park! She can be reactive with other dogs, but with lots of distance, management, and reinforcement on her focus cues, she didn't even bat an eye!

Leo and I are becoming great friends! He learned a lot of skills to help him redirect his focus onto his family when he gets overwhelmed by his big feelings! Great progress, Leo!

Ben was too overwhelmed about completing his Eight Week Package (this boy learned amazing skills, too!) to take a photo in focus, so we took one before when he was nice and calm...

Lucy completed her Eight Week Package! This rambunctious girl has learned so much, like how to be a good big sister, focus on her dad when there's something distracting around, and lots of fun tricks! Great job, Lucy!

Ben and Lucy have grown up so much in the past few months!

Miss Egg-Marie completed her Six Week Package! This poofy girl made so much progress in her harness desensitization, bravery on walks, and also had fun beginning to learn new tricks. And she's coming back for more! See you soon, Miss Egg!

Leo was so brave during his Walk+Train; we'll be friends soon enough!

Max did so well in his trial session. Such a smart boy with so much potential!

Oona is so excited to show off what she learned from her family in practice sessions!

Azula is ready to tackle the outside world (with lots of relaxation exercises and treats, of course!)

Sophie is ready for her close up!

Ben says "I may be little, but I can focus, too!"

Lucy says "I'm not that small!"

Ephy did a great job staying calm and taking in the scenery in her neighborhood!

Oso is showing off how focused he can be!

Oona doing a beautiful job on "Place"

Callie completed her Four Week Package! This smart girl has gained so many great calming skills, especially when people come and go through the house. Great work, Callie!

Harper had so much fun and gave it 110% during her session!

Olive did a great job focusing and greeting people politely on her Walk+Train

Lucy is growing into such a responsible dog! She and her brother are de-escalating during play and taking breaks on their own. Great choices, Lucy!

Ephy was so happy to learn new skills in her session!

Oona perched on the couch at the end of her session!

Olive completed her Eight Week Package! This brainiac has learned so many awesome skills, like being calm when people come to the door, strengthening her recall, and some fun tricks along the way! Fantastic!

Ben taking in the scenery on his first Walk+Train!

Lucy got to go on her first Walk+Train!

Oso was trying to camouflage during his session... I wonder where he went!

Olive showed off her super model skills on the Walk+Train!

Egg-Marie showed off her freshly purple tail and learned a lot, too!

Olive made some calming choices on her Walk+Train!

Tessa completed her Eight Week Package! This sweet senior learned how to make calming decisions for herself when she's out with her sister. You're never too old, Tessa!

Violet completed her Eight Week Package! This girl made so much progress learning how to manage her big feelings about people and other dogs! Great job, Violet!

Oso had to interrupt his post-training session water break for this photo

Egg-Marie was too happy to keep her eyes open after her session!

Azula did a great job focusing today!

Ben and Lucy being adorable on our socialization picnic! They learned a lot, too...

Egg-Marie doing a lovely chin rest during her session!

Ben and Lucy were so calm during their socialization picnic! Growing up nicely, pups!

Oso is off to a great start for his Six Week Package!

Mila was so excited during her first session!

Oona is so happy playing in the leaves on her Walk+Train!

Callie made such calming choices during her session!

Azula posing in the sun after working hard during her first session!

Ben and Lucy did a great job staying calm and soaking everything in on their socialization picnic!

Olive made great choices on her Walk+Train! *One of her eyes also made an appearance...*

Egg-Marie was such a smarty pants during her first session!

Oona was beaming with happiness during her first session! *Treats were involved*

Olive is making great progress on her "Place" cue. Much more relaxed when people come to the door!

Callie showing off her Border Collie stare during our first session!

Olive has a cute hairdo for her Walk+Train!

Half-siblings Ben and Lucy are ready to start their Eight Week Package! Lots to learn, you two!

Tessa and her sister, Violet, showing off their focus skills!

Delphie's post-grad glamour shot

Delphie completed her Four Week Package! Her dads are so proud!

Olive having fun on her first Walk+Train!

Delphie offering great focus at her park session!

Tessa is so happy about her first Walk+Train!

Delphie showing off her relaxation skills

Delphie is ready to learn!