I’m so excited to work with you and your dog! Before you book a session, I want to make sure I have all the information I need to create an effective training plan.

Please fill out the form below and schedule a FREE phone inquiry

Train With Me!

After we’ve completed our free phone inquiry, you’re all set to schedule an Initial Consultation!

  • It’s important for me to observe and discuss with you what’s going on with your dog in order to compose an effective training plan. Consultations may involve an intro to some behaviors I’ve workshopped for your dog’s training plan. Once our consultation is complete, I’ll be in touch and hopefully, we can move forward with more sessions!

For Young Puppies

  • This is perfect for puppy guardians who are new to pet parenthood! The home check includes:

    • Puppy-Proofing Check/ Suggestions

    • Potty Training Check-In

    • Trial Training Session

    • Socialization Tips and Guidelines

    • Additional Resources

  • Your puppy is going through their Critical Exposure Period, when socialization is possible. They don’t have all their shots, but that doesn’t mean you can’t socialize them safely.

    We’ll hang out on a large towel or blanket in a park, parking lot, or just your neighborhood for 30-45 minutes. The goal is not for your puppy to necessarily meet anybody or have big experiences. It’s about teaching them that the world around them is no big deal! That way, they can navigate the world with confidence and calmness.

Intended for prospective puppy parents and 8-16 week old puppies

Walk and Train

  • Walk+Trains have a few options:

    -Invited W+T

    I go on a neighborhood walk with your dog and you come along to observe the choices I’m making. I’ll break down the body language and explain my choices with your dog.

    -Private W+T

    Your dog and I go on a neighborhood walk to give you a break and work on some training goals. Since you’re not there, you‘ll receive a detailed write-up of all the behaviors we worked on and why. If you’re home when we get back, we can also verbally debrief; whatever you prefer!

    -Coached W+T

    You go on a neighborhood walk with your dog and I come along to guide you, give advice, and take over if you get overwhelmed/want a demo.

    Walk and Train includes:

    • 30-45 minute walk with your dog in your neighborhood or a local trail/park meetup (Coached and Invited only)

    • Practice Sheet (optional)

    W +T Topics may include:

    • Loose-Leash Walking

    • Focus Games

    • Basic Skills

    • Reactivity

    • Relaxing Out on a Walk

  • After completing an Initial Consultation, let’s see how another session goes! We can work on your training goals together at your own pace.

  • What's Included:

    • Four 60 minute, customized sessions

    • Weekly Practice Sheets

    • Weekly Training Logs to track progress

    • Email and Phone Support

    • Additional Training Handouts as needed

  • What's Included:

    • Six 60 minute sessions

    • Weekly Practice Sheets

    • Weekly Training Logs to track progress

    • Email/Phone Support

    • Additional Training Handouts as needed

  • What’s Included:

    • Eight 60 minute sessions

    • Email/Phone Support

    • Weekly Practice Sheets

    • Weekly Training Logs to track progress

    • Additional Training Handouts as needed

  • *This offer is only for clients who have completed a package and want to check-in with their training progress. Phone check-in required prior to booking*

    Excited to work together again! It’s always nice to have someone point you in the right direction. Let’s see how things are going or address new behaviors!

  • Walk+Trains have a few options:

    -Invited W+T

    I go on a neighborhood walk with your dog and you come along to observe the choices I’m making. I’ll break down the body language and explain my choices with your dog.

    -Private W+T

    Your dog and I go on a neighborhood walk to give you a break and work on some training goals. Since you’re not there, you‘ll receive a detailed write-up of all the behaviors we worked on and why. If you’re home when we get back, we can also verbally debrief; whatever you prefer!

    -Coached W+T

    You go on a neighborhood walk with your dog and I come along to guide you, give advice, and take over if you get overwhelmed/want a demo.

    Walk and Train includes:

    30-45 minute walk with your dog in your neighborhood or a local trail/park meetup (Coached and Invited only)

    Practice Sheet (optional)

    W +T Topics may include:

    Loose-Leash Walking


    Focus Games

    Basic Skills

    Reactivity Management

    Relaxing Out on a Walk


All clients who complete a package have access to discounted Walk+Trains!